Poudre Valley REA Website Redesign

Web Design, UI Design, Wireframing


Poudre Valley REA is an energy co-op serving parts of Northern Colorado in and around the Fort Collins area. As a co-op, they are member-owned and make an effort to promote these relationships as a point of differentiation among other industry peers. Their website was in need of a major refresh to help prioritize their member-centric point of view — both in terms of usability and making the site feel more personable and less corporate.



An initial team white boarding session narrowed down the pages and elements that needed to be put into wireframes before working on the site styles and design.


Design Concepts

Two conceptual mood board directions were developed based on the existing PVREA visual brand. The two concepts took a range of approaches, along a spectrum from purely utilitarian and information forward to a softer, more human approach with vibrant accents. Ultimately, the approved direction wound up in the middle — a refined approach with friendly UI elements and updated typography to match and make longer passages of text easy to read and comprehend.


Web Designs

The limited palette, distinctive typography, and human UI elements round out the design for the refreshed approach to the website. Clarity of information and navigation are paramount. Accents of red make CTAs and other call-outs easy to identify without feeling overwhelming or too in-your-face.


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